Patient Rights
- The right to receive medical advice and treatment which meets currently accepted standards of care and quality.
- The right to information about available health care services and charges.
- The right to clear description of a medical condition, with diagnosis, prognosis (i.e. an opinion as to the likely future course of any illness), and treatment proposed including common risks and appropriate alternatives.
- The right to know the names of any medication to be prescribed, and its normal actions and potential side- effects given your medical condition.
- The right to accept or refuse any medication, investigation, or treatment, and to be informed of the likely consequences of doing so.
- The right to a second medical opinion.
- The right to have your privacy, dignity and religious and cultural beliefs respected.
- The right of access to medical information that relates to your condition and treatment.
- The right to have information relating to your medical condition kept confidential.
- Grievance Redressal: The right to make a complaint through channels provided for this purpose by the Hospital, and to have any complaint dealt with promptly and fairly.
- The right to choose whether or not to take part in medical research program.
- Right to the continuity of care
- Right to receive care in a safe and secure environment
Patient Responsibilities
- Provide accurate information about their health, including past illnesses or health problems, hospitalizations, allergies, and the current or past use of medication.
- Read and understand all medical forms including consent forms thoroughly prior to signing
- Follow the prescriptions and agreed on the treatment plan, and comply with the instructions given.
- Observe facility policies and procedures.
- Keep any appointments that you make, or notify the hospital or clinic as early as possible if you are unable to do so. Wait patiently for your turn
- Should appreciate the various limitations under which the hospital is functioning and ensure its smooth working without inconveniencing other patients and visitors.
- Should help the hospital authorities in keeping the hospital and it’s surrounding clean and in a proper sanitary condition.
- Keep the Hospital Premises clean | Not litter the hospital | Use garbage bins | Keep toilets clean after use.
- Not smoke or spit inside the hospital premises.
- Support the hospital in keeping the environment clean.
- Provide useful feedback and constructive suggestions regarding the quality and extent of services available at the hospital
- Refrain from misusing the facilities available or demanding any undue favor from the staff and officials.
- Make the payment of the bills on time.
- Respect the visiting timings and not bring children below 10 years as visitors
- Show consideration for the rights of the other patients and the hospital by following the hospital rules concerning patient conduct.
- Not to ask to provide incorrect information or certificates.
- Maintain Silence.